STS POWER, formerly known as Technological Service Technology Company Limited (STS), was established in 1994 to supply industrial and civil power backup systems.
"Through more than 20 years of operation and development, the quality management system ISO 9001: 2015 STS POWER supply system installation generator and after-sales service perfect, Include the main and backup power package with the most reliable and optimal solution. We are committed to working together and bring you the highest satisfaction."
We are proud to be the official partner of Caterpillar / Cummins in Vietnam.
Cummins brand was present early in the Vietnam market since the 90s, famous for generations of generators. Cummins CPG, with factories in the United Kingdom, the United States, India and China, is now the world leader in diesel engine production with superior performance and competitive pricing. In the early days, we were honored and fortunate to be a partner and partner of Cummins CPG.
Technology era 4.0 has officially opened, countries around the world are ramping up research and development and application of this technology into the modernization of the country. In order to meet that need, it is indispensable to have digital centers - datacenters, where the required electrical power is not interrupted.
And Cummins has been working very early to introduce us to the ever-expanding line of DCCs that meet this need.
Caterpillar is a worldwide reputation brand with multiple trades. Caterpillar generators have long been the world's leading brand with superior quality and durability. In order to meet and diversify customer needs, we have promoted, expanded our relationship and successfully partnered with Caterpillar Vietnam.
Technology era 4.0 has officially opened, countries around the world are ramping up research and development and application of this technology into the modernization of the country. In order to meet that need, it is indispensable to have digital centers - datacenters, where the required electrical power is not interrupted.
And Caterpillar has researched very early on to introduce us to the ever-expanding DCC line.
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